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Your Name Email Address Phone Number Select Service Select Service Liposuction surgeryBreast augmentationBreast reductionGynaecomastiaRhinoplastyFaceliftBlepharoplastyFacial RejuvenationMommy makeoverPlastic & Cosmetic surgeryReconstructive SurgeryMicrosurgeryCranio-maxillo-facial surgeryCleft lip and palateHand surgeryPeripheral nerve surgeryCorrective surgeryBurnsHair transplantationENTAnesthesia Query 2 + 10 = Submit Can diabetic patients undergo liposuction? -Dr.Srikanth V How to get rid of male boobs or gynaecomastia? -Dr.Srikanth V What is Rhinoplasty? – Dr. Srikanth V What are the potential problems with rhinoplasty? -Dr.Srikanth V What are the potential problems with rhinoplasty? -Dr.Srikanth V Can Gynaecomastia or male boobs be treated by medicines only? -Dr.Srikanth V How to prepare for a tummy tuck or liposuction? -Dr.Srikanth V What is a tummy tuck?- Dr.Srikanth V What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?- Dr.Srikanth V Quick facts about BOTOX – Dr. Srikanth V Who is the good candidate for a facelift? – Dr. Srikanth V Is a Hair Transplant Painful? – Dr. Srikanth V Is surgery necessary for Gynecomastia? – Dr. Srikanth V What is Scarless Hair Transplant Surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V Surgeries for Cleft Lip & Palate – Dr. Srikanth V Are the effects of Liposuction permanent? – Dr. Srikanth V Is Hair Transplant permanent? – Dr. Srikanth V What are the benefits of a Hair Transplant Surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V Role of Plastic Surgery in treating Cleft Lip & Palate – Dr. Srikanth V What are complications with Cleft Lip & Palate? – Dr. Srikanth V What is Cleft Lip & Palate? – Dr. Srikanth V Can one’s voice change after a nose surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V How soon does one recover after a cosmetic surgery procedure? – Dr. Srikanth V What type of anesthesia is administered for a cosmetic surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V How to manage facial burn marks resulted in stitch marks after Tissue Expansion? – Dr. Srikanth V Do Cleft Palate always result in Cleft Lip? – Dr. Srikanth V Do face and neck exercises work in reducing sag? – Dr. Srikanth V What are the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for men? – Dr. Srikanth V Can one go for Cosmetic Surgery to remove burn scar on leg? – Dr. Srikanth V Non surgical ways to fix tight frenulum Is it painful post Circumcision – Dr. Srikanth V Surgical correction of Peyronie’s Disease Can therapeutic management help – Dr. Srikanth V Can one repair crooked nose after many years of accident? – Dr. Srikanth V If one waits for too long to get broken nose fixed, will it heal incorrectly? – Dr. Srikanth V What is the protocol to fix a broken nose? – Dr. Srikanth V How is Carpal Tunnel treated by plastic surgeon when in both hands? – Dr. Srikanth V What causes buried penis & how is it surgically treated? – Dr. Srikanth V How to reduce swelling & puffiness after nose surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V Surgeries to correct uneven upper lip due to an injury? – Dr. Srikanth V Are men and women at equal risk for developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? – Dr. Srikanth V What are the benefits of Minimally Invasive Carpal Tunnel Release? – Dr. Srikanth V What is Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V 5 Facts to know before a tummy tuck – Dr. Srikanth V How many times can one go for a nose job? – Dr. Srikanth V Is Liposuction painful? – Dr. Srikanth V What is a Full Tummy Tuck & when is it indicated? – Dr. Srikanth V What anesthesia is used in Carpal Tunnel Surgery by plastic surgeon? – Dr. Srikanth V Best options to remove fat from tummy & hips – Dr. Srikanth V How safe is Liposuction? – Dr. Srikanth V What is the best option to reduce belly fat? – Dr. Srikanth V What is Mini Tummy Tuck & when is it done? – Dr. Srikanth V What is the downtime when one goes for a Mini Tummy Tuck? – Dr. Srikanth V What is the downtime when one goes for a Full Tummy Tuck? – Dr. Srikanth V What is Lipo Shot for weight loss? – Dr. Srikanth V What does Lipo Injection do? – Dr. Srikanth V Can I Have A Minor Nose Job To Fix a Bump? – Dr. Srikanth V Which are the best stomach tightening procedures? – Dr. Srikanth V Where can Lipo Injections be used? – Dr. Srikanth V How safe is Liposuction? – Dr. Srikanth V How often do you get a Lipo Injection? – Dr. Srikanth V Can 14 year old go for Rhinoplasty for nasal deformity? – Dr. Srikanth V What is the typical rhinoplasty recovery like? – Dr. Srikanth V When to Stop Drinking Alcohol Prior to Surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a breast reduction surgery done? – Dr. Srikanth V Will breast reduction procedure leave scars? – Dr. Srikanth V Will a breast reduction lift the breasts? – Dr. Srikanth V How long is it normal to have swelling after rhinoplasty? – Dr. Srikanth V Tummy tuck vs liposuction which is better? Ideal age to have a breast reduction – Dr. Srikanth V Are breast reductions permanent? – Dr. Srikanth V How long does the swelling last after a breast reduction? – Dr. Srikanth How many cup sizes can you go down with breast reduction? – Dr. Srikanth V Best exercise after breast reduction surgery – Dr. Srikanth V What is the success rate of skin grafts? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a facial contouring surgery done? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a breast lift and reduction done? – Dr. Srikanth V How much do breast reductions cost? – Dr. Srikanth V Can Plastic Surgery remove burn scars? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a double eyelid surgery done? – Dr. Srikanth V What is a neck lift surgery? How long do neck lifts last?- Dr. Srikanth V How is a breast lift done without breast implants? – Dr. Srikanth V How long does the swelling last after a breast reduction? – Dr. Srikanth V How much do breast reductions cost? – Dr. Srikanth V Can Plastic Surgery remove burn scars? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a double eyelid surgery done? – Dr. Srikanth V What is a neck lift surgery? How long do neck lifts last?- Dr. Srikanth V How many cup sizes can you go down with breast reduction? – Dr. Srikanth V Best exercise after breast reduction surgery – Dr. Srikanth V What is the success rate of skin grafts? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a facial contouring surgery done? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a breast lift and reduction done? – Dr. Srikanth V How is a breast lift done without breast implants? – Dr. Srikanth V how is a Fat transfer breast augmentation done? – Dr. Srikanth V What to wear after breast reduction surgery? | Surgical bra after breast reduction – Dr. Srikanth V What is Full Body Lift Surgery? Recovery time after full body lift – Dr. Srikanth V Is an arm lift painful? Procedure? What to expect and Recovery? – Dr. Srikanth V Causes of Sharp pain after breast reduction | Important signs of infection – Dr. Srikanth V Anesthesia used for breast reduction | How to prepare for breast reduction surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V What is a nipple tuck surgery? | How is nipple reduction surgery performed? – Dr. Srikanth V What is a lower body lift or Belt lipectomy? – Dr. Srikanth V How to restore smiles with Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate Repair? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle How many sizes do you lose with a tummy tuck? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle What is Micro Laser Liposuction? | Laser fat removal – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle How to make bruises go away faster after rhinoplasty?-Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle|Doctors’ Circle Cheiloplasty | Lip Reduction Surgery | Procedure, Post op care – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Common problems and health concerns caused by large breasts – Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle What is a 360 tummy tuck? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Double chin | What is the best treatment for Double Chin? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Nose shape correction|Parrot beak shaped nose|Polly beak- Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle What is Preservation Rhinoplasty? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle 6 Causes For Breast Growth In Men| Gynecomastia| Plastic Surgeon -Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle How do I know I have large breasts?What is the Average Breast Size?- Dr. Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle What to do for enlarged breasts after Breast Reduction Surgery? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Breast size is not similar| Breast Asymmetry| Causes & Treatment – Dr. Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle How to get the chiseled jawline & high cheekbones by cosmetic surgery-Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Nose job in this COVID Era? Is it safe or risky? | Rhinoplasty – Dr. Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle Are Cosmetic Surgery Procedures safe in this COVID 19 Era? – Dr. Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle Will there be scarring after breast reduction? When will scars fade?- Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Ideal age for Forehead lift surgery | How long effects last? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Can Vitiligo Be Cured By Cosmetic Surgery| Treatment of VITILIGO- Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Will any breast job affect the nipple sensation? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Will a breast augmentation patient be able to breastfeed in future? – Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Sagging breasts: Cause, Prevention|Permanently tighten sagging breast- Dr.Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Breast reduction recovery day by day | All you need to know & Checkup-Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Ideal Sleeping Position When Recovering from Breast Surgery – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle LADIES….Worried About Bra Bulge & Back Fat?| Procedure Explained- Dr. Srikanth V |Doctors’ Circle Breast reconstruction after Cancer Surgery | Material & Treatment – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle REDEFINE YOUR SMILE – Smile Designing with Plastic Surgery | Lip Job- Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle DECIDE When to go for Breast Reduction Surgery| Self Examination Tips-Dr.Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle Nipple reconstruction surgery: Methods, Risk. What to Expect? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Body contouring treatment. Procedure |Get the perfect body shape soon-Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Immediate Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy for Cancer – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle EXTRA FAT ON HIPS | LOVE HANDLES–Causes | Best Treatment of HIP FAT – Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Keloid Scar bothering you?| Plastic Surgery to Remove Keloid scar – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle MICROMASTIA | Common problems with breast development | Remedies – Dr. Srikanth.V | Doctors’ Circle Body Dysmorphic Disorder | How Plastic Surgeons help such patients- Dr. Srikanth. V| Doctors’ Circle How to tackle LOVE HANDLES ? | Excessive fat on hips or flanks – Dr. Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Best treatment for sagging arms after massive weight loss in young age-Dr.Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Get rid of BELLY FAT & LOVE HANDLES| Invasive & Non-invasive procedure-Dr.Srikanth.V|Doctors’ Circle Planning BREAST RECONSTRUCTION & MASTECTOMY together? Watch This !! -Dr.Srikanth.V |Doctors’ Circle Can Minor Corrections be done after Breast Reconstruction? – Dr. Srikanth. V | Doctors’ Circle What is Phalloplasty? When & Why is it done? – Dr. Srikanth. V | Doctors’ Circle Calf Augmentation | Indication, Procedure & Recovery | SKINNY LEG- Dr. Srikanth. V | Doctors’ Circle What is Lymphoedema? Who gets it? Main Causes & Symptoms – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle What happens if we don’t treat Lymphoedema? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Is Lymphoedema curable? Is surgery a must for Lymphoedema? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle MYTH BUSTED | Can Plastic Surgery be safely done in Teenage ? -Dr. Srikanth. V | Doctors’ Circle VANISH FACIAL SCARS | Facial Scar removal by Plastic Surgery – Dr. Srikanth. V | Doctors’ Circle Problems associated with Lymphoedema? Effects on Other Body Systems -Dr. Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle Who treats LYMPHOEDEMA? | Plastic Surgery | Microvascular Surgery – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle What kind of surgeries are there for Lymphoedema? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Is LYMPHOEDEMA common after BREAST SURGERY? | Swollen/Edema Hands – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle NonSurgical Procedures for Lymphoedema? |Manual Lymphatic Massage- Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle ABDOMINOPLASTY| Know how to get rid of sagging belly skin from Expert-Dr.Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle EXTREMELY CURVY HIPS |Get rid of this by Plastic Surgery | Liposuction-Dr.Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle What size breasts qualify for reduction? | Breast Reduction Surgery-Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Factors that strain your lymphatic system. Lifestyle modification – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle What are recent advances in the treatment of Lymphoedema? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Extremely loose skin after massive weight loss? | PROFILOPLASTY – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle 5 Reasons Why Breast Reduction Surgery ! Purpose, Procedure, Risks – Dr.Srikanth V| Doctors’ Circle Myth Busted !!! Do breasts sag after breast reduction? Reply by Expert-Dr.Srikanth V|Doctors’ Circle Breast Reduction Surgery using Liposuction | FACT REVEALED BY EXPERT-Dr. Srikanth V |Doctors’ Circle All about BREAST AUGMENTATION with IMPLANTS and FAT TRANSFER – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Local or General ANESTHESIA for BREAST RECONSTRUCTION procedure? – Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle Breast implant options available | BEST OPTIONS BY PLASTIC SURGEON- Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors’ Circle DIFFERENT SIZE - WHAT TO DO? My breast sizes are different -Remedies-Dr.Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle COLLAGEN OR FAT INJECTIONS? How to decide what is best for you? - Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Brazilian Butt Lift - Lift without Implants -Procedure, Benefits - Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle ULTIMATE TIPS FOR SKIN CARE AFTER A FACELIFT |Using Icepacks & more-Dr.Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Body Dysmorphic Disorder & Plastic Surgery Procedures in patients - Dr.Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Unbelievable Benefits of Tumescent Liposuction - Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Simultaneous Augmentation Mastopexy - Do I Need It ? Treatment by-Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle WHAT IS PHALLOPLASTY SURGERY? What is it? Is it Safe? What to Expect?-Dr.Srikanth V| Doctors' Circle CONTRACTURE SURGERY FOR BURN SURVIVORS |Reconstructive Plastic Surgery-Dr.Srikanth V|Doctors' Circle BENEFITS OF STEM CELL ENRICHED FAT GRAFTS- Role in Plastic Surgery- Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle What is Platysmaplasty? How and when is it done? - Dr. Srikanth V Heard of LIP FLIP to change your SMILE? Procedure & Complications - Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle JAW RESHAPING PROCEDURE – How is it done? | Get the Perfect Jawline-Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle HUMP ON NOSE-How is it treated?| Nosejob | Rhinoplasty | Nasal Hump-Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Bulbous tips of nose. How is it corrected? - Dr. Srikanth V How is face plumping done by a Plastic Surgeon? - Dr. Srikanth V Metoidioplasty vs Phalloplasty. What is the difference? - Dr. Srikanth V Embarrassed with huge buttocks. What Plastic Surgery procedures can be done? Recovery time DO Thread Lift Procedure. How is it done? Benefits and Side Effects - Dr. Srikanth V Liposuction Of Flanks (Love Handles)| Lower Back Liposuction #lipo -Dr. Srikanth V |Doctors' Circle LIPOSUCTION Procedure - Scar & Durability #plasticsurgery #lipo - Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Reversing Diabetes With Liposuction #plasticsurgery #diabetes - Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle What all physical activities can be done after getting a breast implant? - Dr. Srikanth V BREAST AUGMENTATION |BREAST IMPLANT INCISIONS #breastaugmentation -Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle What is an explant surgery? How is it done? How long does it take to recover? - Dr. Srikanth V Breast Implant Illness|How Implants Can Make You Sick #plasticsurgery -Dr.Srikanth V|Doctors' Circle Breast Augmentation – Pre Op/Post Op Instructions #plasticsurgery -Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Can I Breastfeed After a Breast Augmentation? #breastimplants -Dr. Srikanth V | Doctors' Circle Side Effects Of Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) #plasticsurgery #rhinoplasty -Dr. Srikanth V| Doctors' Circle